Thursday, October 28, 2010

Where to Find the Best Replica Handbags Online

Being a woman, I think we are born with the urge to own an elegant designer handbag. To carry a gorgeous Louis Vuitton, Gucci, Prada, Burberry or Chanel handbag is something that we always wanted to do. While we may want to own those designer handbags, admit it - they are very expensive and not something we can all afford to pay anytime we feel like buying them. Does that mean you you cannot afford to have a designer handbag at all? No way! You just have to know the best place to purchase a designer replica handbag without paying a lot. Who said you cannot afford to own a designer handbag? With replica handbags, you can own almost any designer pieces that you’ve been eying and longing to have. Try – the home of affordable and high-quality replica handbags. By offering high quality replica handbags at very affordable prices, they make the luxurious look and feel of designer bags more accessible to the average consumer.

One of my most-desired and favorite designer handbags is Louis Vuitton. They are well known for their quality and exquisite designs. And also most famous celebrities have them. Every Louis Vuitton handbags have the perfect touch that matches not just your everyday need but also every outfit and occasion. Because o f the high quality, this is one brand is the choice of so many. But don’t forget to check out other designer handbags in store for you. has the wide selection of replica bags at very low cost and that will surely fit your lifestyle.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Lindsay Lohan and her Louis Vuitton Luggage Bag

Lindsay Lohan and her Louis Vuitton Luggage BagLindsay Lohan Louis Vuitton Luggage Bag

Lindsay Lohan, as we all know travels a lot and just like any other celebrities. And one thing they have in common is this precious and luxurious luggage bag they carry alongside them. A very important thing that we should consider is the quality and durability. When you travel, you bring loads of stuffs with you that’s why it is recommended to use a luggage – and only Louis Vuitton can give you not only a stylish look but also dependable and durable. LV has established reputation of elegance, luxury and dependability.

This Louie Vuitton luggage bag is a great travel companion; you would love to travel every now and then. Celebrities who were spotted with this luggage are Paris Hilton, Nicole Ritchie, Sex and the City star Sarah Jessica Parker, Cameron Diaz, Ashley Simpson and more.

You can get this exact Louis Vuitton luggage bag at - the number one online site for luxury designer handbags. gives you high-quality designer replica handbags specially the luxurious Louis Vuitton handbags! They offer affordable and discounted replica bags that everyone can afford. Now, it is not impossible to own a designer luggage bag when travelling just like your favorite stars? Who says you can’t have it too? can surely give it to you!

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Louis Vuitton Monogram Artsy MM

Louis Vuitton Monogram Artsy MM

Louis Vuitton Monogram Artsy MM

This Louis Vuitton Monogram Artsy MM from offers you the real meaning of luxury, style and functionality. You can see this Louis Vuitton bag in Louis Vuitton's Spring/Summer 2010 Ad Campaign starring Lara Stone.

We have the most durable Louis Vuitton Handbags that is available among all online stores. By implementing strict quality control, we guarantee that you'll only be getting a product that's 99% identical to the original designer item, BUT at price that's much less.

Check out this bag details:
  • Genuine supple Monogram Canvas

  • Golden metallic hardware

  • Handcrafted leather handle

  • Protective bottom studs

  • 1 bag charm for inside key-hanger

  • D-ring detail for keys and pouches

  • 6 inside patch pocket

  • 1 long interior zip pocket

  • With all appropriate Louis Vuitton stamps and logo

  • Comes with dust bag

Take advantage of discounts and freebies when you purchase this only at
Avail of FREE Shipping anywhere in the world!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Louis Vuitton Monogram Keepall 45 Bag

Louis Vuitton Monogram Keepall 45
is a classic Louis Vuitton travel bag collection that is a choice of many celebrities and famous personalities. This bag brings you to a new level of sophistication and charm. This bag has all the best features of a practical carryall bag. Stylish, unique and easy to carry, this is a great bag for both men and women who love travel.

Be in style when you grab this Louis Vuitton Monogram Keepall 45 bag from our rich collection of replica Louis Vuitton Handbags.

Our Louis Vuitton Monogram Keepall 45 bag has all the lavish qualities you're looking for in first class luxury goods.

  • Monogram canvas with natural cowhide trim
  • Golden brass hardware
  • Double zip closure with padlock
  • Rounded leather handles
  • Comes with a removable leather ID holder
  • Adjustable long shoulder strap
  • Brown canvas lining
  • With all appropriate Louis Vuitton stamps and logo
  • Comes with dust bag

Join us in discovering the marvellous collection of Louis Vuitton handbags by dropping by at our store – Avail cheap and affordable designer replica handbags plus FREE shipping worldwide!

Friday, September 3, 2010

Kate Hudson with Louis Vuitton Monogram Antheia Hobo

Kate Hudson and her Louis Vuitton Handbag

British actress, model and fashion designer Sienna Miller… Russian model and philanthropist Natalia Vodianova… and now, American actress Kate Hudson… What these ladies have in common? It’s their Louis Vuitton Monogram Antheia Hobo.

The Louis Vuitton Antheia is actually said to be the newest premium line from Louis Vuitton that’s made from super supple lambskin. It is definitely not surprising that these ladies bought this bag even if it comes grand in pricing (for as much as $3,120 for the GM and $2,840 for the PM), since this is certainly a very elegant-looking bag. It may be simple, but if you look closely, you’ll know why it is so much loved.

This is because this Louis Vuitton Monogram Antheia Hobo is designed with meticulously embossed hand embroidered monogram pattern throughout. That subtle design alone already brings elegance to this bag’s entirety, enough for it to be worth keeping.

I love that Kate Hudson paired the bag with her shimmering black ensemble, which looks rather casual though the shimmering crystals (I guess) made the outfit perfect for a night out. The Louis Vuitton Monogram Antheia Hobo may be huge for evening use, but its elegance just made it perfect.

If you don't have enough money to buy original handbags and you want to be as fashionable as the celebrities you adore, I suggest you buy replica handbags. The best place to buy designer replica handbags is at

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Wanna Have That Blaire Waldorf’s Red Dior Bag from Gossip Girl Series

Leighton Meester’s lovely Lady Dior bag was seen in one of the episodes of the most highly rated tv show Gossip Girl. Who wouldn’t like to have a handbag as fashionable and as adorable as that? I do. Every Blair Waldorf fans surely definitely would die to own one. It’s very common specially to young people who is a huge fan of one television show to get the looks of their favorite celebrity. But to copy their looks means spending hundreds and sometimes thousands of dollars – talking about designer bags and outfit here.

You think you can’t be a celebrity in your own way? Think again. Everyone knows that designer bags are expensive to own. But these days, it’s not anymore. That is why replica handbags are just around the corner and even a click away. Designer replica handbags offers you variety of designer bags to choose from depending on your style, occasion and your budget. A handbag is a fashion must-have, and we don’t want to be left behind.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Katie Holmes in Her Red Birkin Hermes Bag

Katie Holmes, wife of the well-known actor Tom Cruise was caught with a red Hermes Birkin Bag on her way out of the black limo. A very posh shot made possible by Hermes Birkin bag. This is top designer bag that most famous celebrities like Lindsay Lohan, Kate Moss, Mariah Carey, Oprah, Victoria Beckham and more Hollywood personalities. Katie Holmes is a huge fan of designer bags and Hermes has always been one of best choice.

Hermes Birkin bags is very expensive. It’s not just an usual designer handbag – it’s a luxury icon. But it don’t mean you could never purchase to have one. That is why designer replica bags are made so people can be as gorgeous like their favourite celebrities. Designer replica handbags are here so people can all get cheap bags and also, enjoy our luxury designer bags.

Sometimes, we need to value our money and use it in the right way. It doesn’t mean that choosing replicadesigner replica handbags means spending on low-quality bags. It’s all about buying the recommended replica items. At, we offer not only affordable handbags but also the great quality and best choice designer replica handbags that will match the original luxury bags. But you do not need to spend out of the budget to afford that designer bags. That is why designer replica bags are here.

The Birkin handbags were called after Jane Birkin, a British singer-actress way back in 1984. The "Birkin" bag is a hand-built purse from Hermès.

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Celebrity Handbags That You Must Have

Who told you that diamonds are the only girl’s best friend? You are surely missing something. What do you think women always have everywhere they go? What is that special something that goes with women on every occasion? No other than handbags of course! What do you notice on every premiere nights and awarding not only in Hollywood but in every part of the world? Every ladies carry a handbag and it’s a must. A must have for every girl out there.

Some people do not pay attention to the brand names, some people do. No matter how a bag looks like, no matter what the size, color, or texture it is, bags have special meaning to all women. There are bags in every occasion, both for men and women. Name them, there’s a proper bag for sports, school, office, night out, cocktail party, awards night and all that. Choosing a bag is as easy as choosing clothes to wear. It’s just a matter of mix and match, depending on your mood and your personality.

It doesn’t need to be pricey. You don’t have to spend too much, pay too much just to have a bag that you’ve always love to have. Speaking of designer bags which cost really high, not everyone can afford it. Chances are, they search for the best quality replica bags that looks exactly like their favorite designer bags without hurting your pocket. Who says you cannot take a hold of that handbag you always long to have – a bag that your favorite celebrity is holding during the Oscars, the Music Awards, the golden Globe, TV commercials and billboards. With choosing the right replica handbags, designer bags are sure surely a must-have!

Monday, July 26, 2010

Your Guide to Replica Bags and Fake Bags

If you are planning to buy replica handbags, you have to always remember not only the price but also the quality. We love a handbag something that will last for a long time, after all, you are investing and you don’t want a waste of money for something that is fake and made out of low quality materials. I am referring to fake handbags against replica designer handbags. This is something that you should be aware of.

Replica designer bags are very much different from the fake bags. It is very much alike to the original designer bags. Fake bags can easily be recognize while replica handbags are not quite easy to distinguish. Here are some tips on how you can spot the fake handbags from designer replica bags. This can help you recognize the right designer replica handbag when looking for one.

1. Replica bags, costs higher than fake handbags because of the quality compared to fake handbags. On the other hand, it is still cost-effective than the original designer bags.

2. The replica bag - the look and feel are the same as the original bags. Fake bags do not incorporate the finer details of the original designer bags

3. In designer replica bag - the materials used are almost the same ones used in the original bags. On the other hand, fake handbags are using low-class materials and the stitching have very bad quality.

4. Fake bags usually have a misleading name or rather, change the original brand’s name printed on it.

So next time you want to buy a designer replica handbags, always remember the qualities and differences of fake from replica bags. After all, you will be spending for a affordable handbags, so why not purchase a replica bags that will definitely last longer than fake bags.

Being a wise consumer, replica handbags are really a good buy. Not only it is affordable, you can even get more replica designer handbags in a price of an original handbag. That’s wise shopping!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

New Life, New Bags – Designer Replica Bags

Life isn’t always what it seems to be, and it’s not always what you plan it to be. Things happen in life when we leastexpect it. Not more than a couple of years ago, my life has turned upside down with just a blink of an eye. Storm attacked us, leaving me with nothing but the clothes I was wearing that day. Not too long agoit isn’t too long since I lost my job. It was unexpected. I have everything but then, it was all gone in seconds.

I collect fashion bags and spend most of my money on it. I even had numerous debts in credit cards just to pay for expensive designer bags. designer bags are my treasure, until that nightmare happens. It took me several months before I could regained all the possessions that I have lost. With all the debts, I wasn’t easy to bring everything back to normal. After I got a new home and stuffs, I still cannot live without precious bags in my possession – genuine designer bags to be exact. But everything was spent in for new home and I can’t spend more until I get a regular job.

I was browsing some blogs when I saw replica bags, then I just to give it a try. before I was hesitant, owning the original designer bags before, I always want to have original bags. But expenses matters a lot to me now, I don’t want to give away all my savings with just 1 designer bag . Why pay more if you can own replica without spending out of budget? Nowadays, buying those cheap handbags, I almost replaced all my collections that has been lost.

Now I’ve realized a lot in savings and wise spending . After few months, It looked like I almost didn’t loose a single original designer bags I collect before. I discovered that it isn’t impossible to own a designer’s bag because you can order low-cost designer replica handbags and at the same time save more. That’s what you call smart spending!

Friday, July 16, 2010

The Meaning behind the Color of Your Handbag

You might typically find bags in various colors, whether it’s a designer or a replica handbag. But do you recognize that there are in fact meanings in each of these handbag colors? They say the color that you prefer personifies you -- your personality.

According to research, these are the top 5 widely used bag colors across the globe. And in each of this color, is the significance that goes together with the attitude of the owner.

BLACK: Black, the most wanted color of trendy individuals, is well-respected and powerful. Seeng that black can attest tough emotions, excessive can be overpowering. A traditional color perhaps because it makes the bag owner appear trendy, slender (for clothes) and more elegant.

WHITE: White symbolizes hygiene, wholesomeness, and a objectivity. Maybe the reason why doctors are on white coats. Brides usually wear in white gowns. Also, white is the usual color of the picket fence that surrounds a protected and blissful residence.

BROWN: Brown means reliability, constancy, and approachability. An earth color that is linked with all things that are natural or organic. This color also symbolizes the feeling of modesty and it also provides a sense of orderliness.

RED: Red, compared to other colors, provides more personal associations. Red is renowned as a stimulant and is innately exciting. The quantity of red is related to the level of energy that is apparent. Wearing this color also makes you noticeable.

GRAY: Gray is practical, timeless, and solid. This has been the well-like and most loved suit color since the old days. It’s because gray suits with any color. However, the public rarely name gray as their favorite color possibly due to the fact that gray is also associated with loss and/or depression.

Green, blue and yellow bags are widely used as well. This only means that you can choose the color of the bag that you want based on two things: it’s your desired color or because, that is purely YOU.